He and his escort were given the best table.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Escort services
Under escort.
in Begleitung
He was subjected to physical attacks and there were concerns surrounding the fairness of his trial.
He was subjected to physical attacks and there were concerns surrounding the fairness of his trial.
Both he and his wife, Irina Halil, were arrested.
Sannikow und seine Frau, Irina Khalip, wurden festgenommen.
Nevertheless, in July 2007, a year after his arrest, he was reportedly treated for high blood pressure at a hospital, with an escort from the Police Intervention Unit.
Nichtsdestotrotz soll er im Juli 2007, ein Jahr nach seiner Verhaftung, wegen Bluthochdrucks in einem Krankenhaus unter Bewachung der polizeilichen Eingreiftruppe behandelt worden sein.