Eurowings Europe

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Interpipe Europe, S.A
Interpipe Europe, SA
Business Europe;
Business Europe;
Eastern Europe
Eastern Europe
Western Europe
Western Europe
Northern Europe
Northern Europe
Alcoa Europe
Alcoa Europe
Business Europe
Business Europe
CAN Europe
CAN Europe
COGEN Europe
COGEN Europe
IFIEC Europe
IFIEC Europe
IMA Europe
IMA Europe
Transform Europe
Transform Europe
CEAC Europe
CEAC Europe
Europe Etudiant
Europe Etudiant
Notre Europe
Notre Europe
Vivant Europe
Vivant Europe
Europe Aid
Europe Aid

Eurowings Europe

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

They need Europe and Europe needs them.
Die Jugend braucht Europa - Europa braucht die Jugend.
Europe has the technology, Europe has the resources, Europe has developed much scientific knowledge.
Europa hat Technologie, Europa hat Ressourcen, Europa hat wissenschaftliche Expertise entwickelt.
The uniting of Europe would make Europe much stronger.
Allein 100 Ungarn fanden den Tod in dem Kampf vor dem Parlament.