etw. in der Mache haben

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Das System mache keinen Unterschied zwischen in Luxemburg erzeugtem Strom und importiertem Strom.
According to Luxembourg, the system did not treat electricity produced in Luxembourg any differently from imported electricity.
Sie habe etwas sehr Positives, wenn man es richtig mache.
Yes, China and India are scaling up their economy in a striking way, and are competing on top-end products as well.
Was mache ich danach mit den Unterschriften?
What do I do with the signatures after this?
Ich glaube, dass mache ich auch.
In this place, this is something that happens very often.
Diese mache Europa transparenter, klarer, effizienter und demokratischer.
The Constitution, he said, was built on pillars of democracy.
Mache Barroso die Institution der Kommission stark?
The second principle of the presidency had been fairness.