eligibility for trusts

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

trusts or succession;
auf Trusts und Erbschaften;
trusts or successions.
Trusts und Erbschaften.
Non-MMF investment funds cover investment trusts, unit trusts and other collective investment schemes whose investment fund shares or units are not seen as close substitutes for deposits.
Investmentfonds ohne Geldmarktfonds umfassen Investment Trusts, Unit Trusts und sonstige Investmentfonds, deren Investmentfondsanteile nicht als Einlagensubstitute im engere Sinne gesehen werden.
Trusts that are Passive NFEs
Trusts, die PASSIVE NFEs sind
Trusts that are Passive NFEs
Trusts, die passive NFEs sind
3.4. Trusts
3.4. Trusts
National Health Service Authorities and Trusts
National Health Service Authorities and Trusts
Scottish Health Service Authorities and Trusts
Scottish Health Service Authorities and Trusts
Welsh National Health Service Authorities and Trusts
Welsh National Health Service Authorities and Trusts