Drug Enforcement Agency , DEA

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Der Ethanolamin-Markt verzeichnete einen starken Nachfrageanstieg bei DEA aufgrund des Einsatzes von DEA bei der Herstellung glyphosathaltiger Herbizide.
The ethanolamine market has been characterised by strong growth in the demand for DEA, triggered by the use of DEA in the production of glyphosate herbicides.
Drug Enforcement
Drug Enforcement
It is merely an aid to enforcement and enforcement authorities.
It is merely an aid to enforcement and enforcement authorities.
Supporting Centres for Drug Addicts
Supporting Centres for Drug Addicts
Collaborating Centre on International Drug Monitoring
Collaborating Centre on International Drug Monitoring
Enforcement of Judgements Office
Enforcement of Judgements Office