Doctor Dolittle

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Anschrift Avenida Doctor Sixto Mauriz, no 43, Fene.
Address Avenida Doctor Sixto Mauriz, no 43, Fene.
EU doctor Gegenstand der Debatte im EU-Parlament am Donnerstag war der Vorschlag einer Gesundheitsversorgungs-Richtlinie, geschaffen um die medizinische Behandlung in anderen EU-Staaten zu vereinfachen.
Getting refunds for treatment is a contentious issue Plans to make it easier for patients to get medical treatment in other EU countries were under discussion Thursday.
In December 2004, while 9.000 prisoners were allegedly released by the military government, the measures on Suu Kyi were tightened restricting access by her doctor and the withdrawal of some of her party members, securing her compound.
In December 2004, while 9.000 prisoners were allegedly released by the military government, the measures on Suu Kyi were tightened restricting access by her doctor and the withdrawal of some of her party members, securing her compound.
Five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor sentenced to death by the Libyan Criminal Court of 19 December 2006 who spent eight years in prison.
Five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor sentenced to death by the Libyan Criminal Court of 19 December 2006 who spent eight years in prison.
Certificate of Specialist doctor
Certificate of Specialist doctor

Doctor Dolittle

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

2 A doctor or nurse
Behandlung durch einen Arzt oder Krankenpfleger
By medical doctor
Ja, von einem Arzt
Doctor of Law.
Promovierter Jurist.
Doctor of Law
Doktor der Rechte
Your doctor
Ihr Arzt
doctor or a
Arzt oder
Certificate of Specialist doctor
Certificate of Specialist doctor