devote Frau

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Frau A.E.
Ms A.E.
Frau W.H.
Ms W.H.
Frau S.A.E.
Ms S.A.E.
Frau drs.
Ms drs.
Frau J.H.M.
Ms J.H.M.
Frau Blagoeva.
Mrs Blagoeva
Frau Brandt
Ms Brandt
Frau Z.
Mme Z.
Mr Starowieyski claimed that he could not devote the whole day for travelling to Warsaw and meeting the TDIP delegation.
Mr Starowieyski claimed that he could not devote the whole day for travelling to Warsaw and meeting the TDIP delegation.
The ECB will have to remain faithful to the principles of transparency and democratic accountability and devote attention to the proper communication of its decisions, speaking with one voice.
The ECB will have to remain faithful to the principles of transparency and democratic accountability and devote attention to the proper communication of its decisions, speaking with one voice.
von Frau Jensen und Frau Thors
by Mrs Jensen and Mrs Thors