Der Horror-Alligator

  • China-Alligator
  • Chinese alligator

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

- utterly condemned the brutal response by the Burmese authorities to the peaceful demonstrations began on 19 August 2007 and expresses its horror at the killing of peaceful protestors,
- utterly condemned the brutal response by the Burmese authorities to the peaceful demonstrations began on 19 August 2007 and expresses its horror at the killing of peaceful protestors,
- strongly condemned the stoning and execution of Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow and expressed its horror at such a barbaric act perpetrated against a 13-year-old rape victim;
- strongly condemned the stoning and execution of Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow and expressed its horror at such a barbaric act perpetrated against a 13-year-old rape victim;
Dort habe sich der absolute Horror abgespielt.
It is a surprise that it could have happened, but it did.