Der Coup der sieben Asse

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

zur Ernennung von sieben britischen Mitgliedern und sieben britischen Stellvertretern im Ausschuss der Regionen
appointing seven UK members and seven UK alternate members to the Committee of the Regions
zur Ernennung von sieben bulgarischen Mitgliedern und sieben bulgarischen Stellvertretern im Ausschuss der Regionen
appointing seven Bulgarian members and seven alternate Bulgarian members of the Committee of the Regions
Sieben Klassen, sieben Farben - Neue Bestnoten
Seven classes, seven colours - new top marks
The coup marked the second one in the country in three years, and it violated both constitutional legality and the results of democratic and internationally validated elections.
The coup marked the second one in the country in three years, and it violated both constitutional legality and the results of democratic and internationally validated elections.
- expressed regret that the coup had taken place, as it marked a setback given the notable developments made in advancing democracy in the country,
- expressed regret that the coup had taken place, as it marked a setback given the notable developments made in advancing democracy in the country,
- expressed regret that the coup had taken place, as it marked a setback given the notable developments made in advancing democracy in the country
- expressed regret that the coup had taken place, as it marked a setback given the notable developments made in advancing democracy in the country
In der Bundesrepublik Deutschland soll das sogenannte Versuchsendlager Asse II stillgelegt und verschlossen werden.
In the Federal Republic of Germany there are plans to decommission and seal the Asse II so-called pilot final storage facility for radioactive waste.
2. Es hat danach keine weiteren Inspektionen von Euratom zu Asse II gegeben.
They were carried out in view of storage tests planned at that time but later abandoned.