das Mugabe-Regime

  • - firmly condmened the continuing violence perpetrated by the Mugabe regime against members and supporters of the MDC
  • - firmly condemned the continuing violence perpetrated by the Mugabe regime against members and supporters of the MDC
  • They were all kidnapped by the Mugabe regime in December 2008.
  • They were all kidnapped by the Mugabe regime in December 2008.
  • - firmly condemned the continuing violence perpetrated by the Mugabe regime against members and supporters of the MDC.
  • - firmly condemned the continuing violence perpetrated by the Mugabe regime against members and supporters of the MDC.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Beabsichtigt der Rat, in naher Zukunft noch viel weiter gehende Sanktionen gegen Mugabe und sein Regime zu ergreifen?
Does the Council intend to take much more far-reaching sanctions against Mugabe and his regime in the near future?