Das Geheimnis des Mr. Rice

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

MR Mauretanien
MR Mauritania
Mr Coulomb
Mr Mortefon
Herr mr.
Mr mr. P.G.
Herr mr. drs.
Mr mr. drs.
- Complementary charge collected on export of rice
- Complementary charge collected on export of rice
- Special charge collected on export of rice
- Special charge collected on export of rice
- Complementary charge collected on export of rice;
- Complementary charge collected on export of rice;
Mr. Werner Haider
Mr. Werner Haider
Die Freiheit und das Geheimnis des Schriftverkehrs und jeder anderen Form der Mitteilung sind unverletzlich.
Freedom and secrecy of correspondence and other forms of communication are inviolable.
Mr Fritsche and Mr Uhrlau are high officials , President of BND
Mr Fritsche and Mr Uhrlau are high officials , President of BND
Condoleezza RICE, Secretary of State
Condoleezza RICE, Secretary of State
- expressed its satisfaction that the political prisoners Mr Alyaksandr Kazulin, Mr Sergei Parsyukevich and Mr Andrei Kim had been released
- expressed its satisfaction that the political prisoners Mr Alyaksandr Kazulin, Mr Sergei Parsyukevich and Mr Andrei Kim had been released
Dear Mr Brok, Dear Mr Gualtieri,
Dear Mr Brok, Dear Mr Gualtieri,