
  • The task of developing such coalitions has been greatly facilitated by the experience gained during the extended process of adoption of the UN General Assembly resolution.
  • Die Aufgabe, solche Koalitionen zu bilden, wurde durch die Erfahrungen, die im Laufe des langen Prozesses bis zur Annahme der Resolution durch die VN-Generalversammlung gesammelt wurden, stark erleichtert.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

- Only political parties or coalitions may nominate candidates;
- Only political parties or coalitions may nominate candidates;
- Lists submitted by political parties or coalitions;
- Lists submitted by political parties or coalitions;
- Parties or coalitions submit lists with 15.000 signatures of voters or of elected representatives
- Parties or coalitions submit lists with 15.000 signatures of voters or of elected representatives