Christ (Nomen)


Christian (n)

Christentum, Religion - Mann
  • Als Christ sage ich, dass Hoffnung und Optimismus Teil unseres Lebens sind.
  • As a Christian, I say hope and optimism are part of our lives.
  • Ein weiterer iranischer Christ, Ramtin Soodmand, befindet sich sei August 2008 in Haft, ohne dass Anklage erhoben wurde.
  • Another Iranian Christian, Ramtin Soodmand, has been detained without charge since August 2008.
  • Er war der einzige Christ in der Regierung, und zwischen seinem Tod und der Ermordung des punjabischen Gouverneurs Salmaan Taseer lagen nicht einmal zwei Monate.
  • He was the only Christian serving in the cabinet, and his death came less than two months after the assassination of Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

105 Xingning Christ Craftworks Co. Ltd.
105 Xingning Christ Craftworks Co. Ltd
Pastor Zhang RONGLIANG, 53, one of the founders of the China for Christ Church.
Pastor Zhang RONGLIANG, 53, one of the founders of the China for Christ Church.
One of the founders of the China for Christ church; convicted to seven and a half years of imprisonment in 2006; currently he is in a very bad health condition.
One of the founders of the China for Christ church; convicted to seven and a half years of imprisonment in 2006; currently he is in a very bad health condition.

Christ (Nomen)


Christus (n)


Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

105 Xingning Christ Craftworks Co. Ltd
105 Xingning Christ Craftworks Co. Ltd.
Pastor Zhang RONGLIANG, 53, one of the founders of the China for Christ Church.
Pastor Zhang RONGLIANG, 53, one of the founders of the China for Christ Church.
One of the founders of the China for Christ church; convicted to seven and a half years of imprisonment in 2006; currently he is in a very bad health condition.
One of the founders of the China for Christ church; convicted to seven and a half years of imprisonment in 2006; currently he is in a very bad health condition.