
  • Subsequently, in 2000, Lukashenko called a general election unsuccessfully boycotted by a fragmented democratic opposition.
  • 2000 rief Lukaschenko Neuwahlen aus, die die zerstrittene demokratische Opposition erfolglos boykottierte.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

The NLD has boycotted the talks to demand the release of their leader and of other political prisoners.
The NLD has boycotted the talks to demand the release of their leader and of other political prisoners.
In protest at this, it boycotted parliamentary sittings for a time.
Aus Protest hat sie eine Zeit lang die parlamentarischen Sitzungen blockiert.
Is the Commission aware that this meeting will be attended by firms such as Heineken, Philips and Shell which have thus far boycotted the register of lobbyists?
Ist der Kommission bekannt, dass an dieser Konferenz Unternehmen wie Heineken, Philips und Shell teilnehmen, die bisher das Lobby-Register boykottieren?