Beyond War Award

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Investments going beyond the state of the art?
Investments going beyond the state of the art?
Verleihung des Energy Globe Award 2008 am 26. Mai im EP
Energy Globe Awards 2008 at the EP on Monday 26 May
The last part relates to procedures after contracts award.
The last part relates to procedures after contracts award.
Das Unternehmen war recht erfolgreich und erhielt viele Branchenauszeichnungen, darunter den nationalen Grand Prix und den European Promotional Marketing Association Award.
The company achieved considerable success and received many peer-led awards including the national Grand Prix and a European Promotional Marketing Association Award.
Beyond Activism.
Beyond Activism.
This situation will persist beyond 2012.
This situation will persist beyond 2012.
The ECB goes well beyond its statutory reporting obligations.
The ECB goes well beyond its statutory reporting obligations.

Beyond War Award

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

War crimes
Award of the Sakharov prize to Salih Mahmoud Osman, Sudanese lawyer acting for the victims of the war in Darfur
Verleihung des Sacharow-Preises an Salih Mahmoud Osman, sudanesischer Anwalt und Verteidiger der Opfer des Darfur-Konflikts
war crimes,
, die die Begehung von