Bank of England

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

What do you think about the publication by the Fed or the Bank of England of the minutes of their meetings?
What do you think about the publication by the Fed or the Bank of England of the minutes of their meetings?
For the Bank of England, it is obviously the right choice to publish minutes of policy meetings.
For the Bank of England, it is obviously the right choice to publish minutes of policy meetings.
There are also reports that the ECB sides with the Bank of England on this issue rather than the Commission.
Berichten zufolge steht die EZB in dieser Angelegenheit zudem eher auf der Seite der Bank of England als auf der der Kommission.
He cannot obtain a bank loan in Sweden either, since his income is earned in England.
Da er sein Einkommen in England bezieht, kann er auch keinen Bankkredit in Schweden beantragen.