Application-Management , AM

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

- Organisation und Management von Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz.
- organisation and management of health and safety at work.
- provide evidence that the full application of the guidelines on the implementation of the Framework Partnership Agreement 2004-2007, issued in February 2006, is ensured and that transparency of the financial management of the grants for the ESOs has improved
- provide evidence that the full application of the guidelines on the implementation of the Framework Partnership Agreement 2004-2007, issued in February 2006, is ensured and that transparency of the financial management of the grants for the ESOs has improved
Application and technology including Galileo programme
Application and technology including Galileo programme
Danach ist eine wirksame Koordinierung der Akteure, die am Management dieser Zonen mitwirken, erforderlich.
Secondly, there must be effective coordination of the bodies involved in managing these zones.
Setting up common visa application centers.
Setting up common visa application centers.