Senator (Nomen)


senator (n)

Mitglied eines Senats, Politik - USA - Mann, member in the house or chamber of a legislature called a senate
  • Schlusswort von Jean Bizet, Senator, und Lutz Goepel, MEP
  • Sammanfattning av senator Jean Bizet och parlamentsledamot Lutz Goepel
  • Senator, Chairwoman of the Special Committee of the Romanian Parliament
  • Senator, Chairwoman of the Special Committee of the Romanian Parliament
  • Senator, Member of the Committee for National Security and Defence
  • Senator, Member of the Committee for National Security and Defence

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Jim BINGAMAN, Senator
Jim BINGAMAN, Senator
Sam BROWNBACK, Senator
Sam BROWNBACK, Senator
Russell FEINGOLD, Senator
Russell FEINGOLD, Senator
John KERRY, Senator
John KERRY, Senator
John Patrick LEAHY, Senator
John Patrick LEAHY, Senator
Carl LEVIN, Senator
Carl LEVIN, Senator
John McCAIN, Senator
John McCAIN, Senator
John D. ROCKEFELLER, Senator
John D. ROCKEFELLER, Senator

senator (Nomen)


Senator (n)

member in the house or chamber of a legislature called a senate, politik - USA - man

Senatorin (n)

politik - USA - kvinna