
  • Die Institution,
  • De instelling
  • Beamten der Institution
  • neemt het personeel van de instelling
  • Beamten der Institution
  • ambtenaren van de instelling
  • Institution Job Shadowing
  • Job-shadowinginstituut

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Bezeichnung der ausstellenden Institution
Naam van de instantie die het bevoegdheidsbewijs afgeeft
Institution oder
instelling of
Institution of Structural Engineers
Institution of Structural Engineers
Institution of Civil Engineers
Institution of Civil Engineers
Institution of Mining Engineers
Institution of Mining Engineers
Institution of Electrical Engineers
Institution of Electrical Engineers
Institution of Gas Engineers
Institution of Gas Engineers
Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Institution of Chemical Engineers
Institution of Chemical Engineers
Institution of Production Engineers
Institution of Production Engineers
Institution of Marine Engineers
Institution of Marine Engineers
Institution ergreift
instelling treft
Antragstellende Institution