Adaptation (Nomen)


Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

How to engage other main actors - climate change, adaptation in third countries and global security
How to engage other main actors - climate change, adaptation in third countries and global security
Adaptation following agreement of 17 May 2006 on the Financial Framework 2007-2013
Adaptation following agreement of 17 May 2006 on the Financial Framework 2007-2013
TRAN Chair letter confirming the agreement on the substance of the Directive without Comitology provisions and adaptation to Lisbon Treaty.
TRAN Chair letter confirming the agreement on the substance of the Directive without Comitology provisions and adaptation to Lisbon Treaty.
The Commission will then prepare the appropriate legislative initiatives to complete the adaptation.
The Commission will then prepare the appropriate legislative initiatives to complete the adaptation.

adaptation (Nomen)
