Puzzle (Nomen)

  • Die Puzzles verleihen dem Erzeugnis seinen wesentlichen Charakter, und deshalb wird es als Puzzle der Position 9503 eingereiht.
  • El rompecabezas le confiere al producto el carácter esencial, y como tal se clasifica en la partida 9503.
  • Die setzten das Puzzle zusammen, so gut sie konnten.
  • Estos han armado el rompecabezas lo mejor que han podido.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Meier I. and Tarhan V., Corporate investment decision practices and the hurdle rate premium puzzle, Februar 2006, Southern Finance Association Meetings, Destin, France.
I Meier I. y Tarhan V., Corporate investment decision practices and the hurdle rate premium puzzle, febrero de 2006; Southern Finance Association Meetings, Destin, Francia.
Bamford, James, The Puzzle Palace.
Bamford, James, The Puzzle Palace.
The diverse puzzle of data resulting from the materials has not facilitated the cross-comparison of the various transposition measures and the identification of common weaknesses.
The diverse puzzle of data resulting from the materials has not facilitated the cross-comparison of the various transposition measures and the identification of common weaknesses.