writing mechanism

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Writing or drawing ink
Tinte und Tusche zum Schreiben oder Zeichnen
Check writing machines
Maschinen zur Ausstellung von Schecks
Writing paper
Writing slates
Schiefertafeln zum Schreiben
in writing; or
schriftlich oder
Questions in writing
Schriftliche Fragen
If the member of staff does so in writing, the hierarchical superior shall reply in writing.
Falls der Bedienstete dies schriftlich tut, hat der Dienstvorgesetzte schriftlich zu antworten.
Writing Conventions
Report writing.
Abfassen von Berichten.
The choice of court shall be made by joint agreement in writing or evidenced in writing.
Die Wahl des Gerichts erfolgt als gemeinsame Vereinbarung in Schriftform oder wird schriftlich festgehalten.
Customs declarations in writing
Schriftliche Zollanmeldung
in writing
in schriftlicher Form
Mr Juncker, President of the Euro Group, and Mr Ollie Rehn, Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs, are writing to you separately on the outcome of the negotiations on the detail of the future Mechanism, which I fully endorse.
Mr Juncker, President of the Euro Group, and Mr Ollie Rehn, Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs, are writing to you separately on the outcome of the negotiations on the detail of the future Mechanism, which I fully endorse.
in writing.
schriftlich mitzuteilen