While the City Sleeps

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

It allows EU airlines to fly from any city in Europe to one in the US while in turn airports in the EU are opened up to US companies.
Die Kommission erwartet steigende Passagierzahlen und bis zu 80.000 neue Jobs.
BBC journalist who was abducted at gunpoint on 12 March 2007 while returning home in Gaza City.
BBC journalist who was abducted at gunpoint on 12 March 2007 while returning home in Gaza City.
Only recently, 40 house church leaders were arrested while attending a training seminar in Cheng Du City, Sichuan province.
Erst vor kurzem wurden 40 Hausgemeindeleiter verhaftet, als sie einem Ausbildungsseminar in Cheng Du, Provinz Sichuan, teilnahmen.