while in police detention

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

They were tortured to stop them from continuing their hunger strike while in detention.
They were tortured to stop them from continuing their hunger strike while in detention.
He claimed that he was subjected to torture while in Syrian detention.
He claimed that he was subjected to torture while in Syrian detention.
These fresh wounds indicate that he has been beaten while in detention.
Diese neuen Verletzungen belegen, dass er am Ort seiner Inhaftierung misshandelt wurde.
There are reports that a number of those who were arrested have died while in detention.
Verschiedenen Berichten zufolge sind einige der Inhaftierten in der Gefangenschaft bereits gestorben.
During this arrest, and the first few weeks of detention, Johan Teterissa was supposedly tortured by police.
Bei der Verhaftung und in den ersten Wochen seiner Haft soll Johan Teterissa von der Polizei gefoltert worden sein.