What advice would you proffer to someone starting up in business_

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

You travelled to this country with someone else and, if so, with whom;
ob Sie zusammen mit jemandem in dieses Land gereist sind, und falls ja, mit wem;
Are you going to ask someone from the CIA to appear before the committee?
3. Werden CIA-Agenten vor den Ausschuss geladen?
What measures would you like to see in place to address their situation?
Was fordern Sie, um deren Situation zu verbessern?
What would you prefer?
Wie stehen Sie dazu?
What other issues do you expect to come up in the debate?
Welchen anderen Themen bestimmen die Diskussionen im Parlament, wenn es um die Ukraine geht?
What would you say to the victims?
Was sagen Sie vor diesem Hintergrund den Opfern?
What changes, if any, would you promote?
What changes, if any, would you promote?