weh getan

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Dies hat Herr G. Raithel getan.
This is what Mr Raithel did.
Das hat die Kommission nicht getan.
All information including plans and legislation submitted by the GOC was considered and analysed and the findings are based on these documents as provided by the GOC, wherever those documents were made available and verification confirmed their accurateness.
Ein gleiches hat die Weltgesundheitsorganisation getan.
The World Health Organisation has followed suit.
Hier muss mehr getan werden.
More needs to be done.
Hat der Rat dies getan?
Has the Council complied with this?
Hat der Rat dies getan?
Did the Council proceed to such an exercise?
Was haben Sie bisher getan?
What was your previous role?
Was haben Sie bisher getan?
Your favourite motto?
Was habe ich getan?
What have I done?
Es muss mehr getan werden.
More should be done.
Das haben sie nicht getan.
This, they have failed to do.
Haben sie dies bereits getan?
Has help been requested?
getan hat.
agreed under Rule 35.
3. Was wurde bereits getan?
Was has been done already?