was tut sich_

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Was tut der Rat, um die Verhaftung der serbischen Kriegsverbrecher Karadzic und Mladic voranzutreiben?
What is the Council doing to bring about the early arrest of the Serbian war criminals Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic?
Die EU tut auch schon was, ich denke etwa an das Schulmilchprogramm.
There are some actions already taken like the milk in school programme.
Was tut diese sogenannte Intergroup?
What is this Intergroup doing?
Was tut die Kommission, um den Binnenmarkt in diesem wichtigen Bereich weiter zu entwickeln?
What is the Commission doing to further develop the internal market in this important area?
Was tut die Kommission, damit dies nicht geschieht?
What is the Commission doing to ensure this is not the case?
Was tut die Kommission, damit diese neuen, umweltfreundlicheren Technologien bevorzugt werden?
What is the Commission doing to ensure that preference is given to these new, ecologically sounder technologies?
Was tut die Kommission angesichts dieser Defizite?
What is the Commission doing in the face of these failings?
Was tut die Kommission, damit die rechtstreuen Eierproduzenten nicht benachteiligt werden?
What is the Commission doing to ensure that egg producers who obey the law are not disadvantaged?
Was tut die WTO im Hinblick auf Rechte am geistigen Eigentum?
What measures is the WTO taking on intellectual property rights?
Was tut die Kommission, um die Verordnung wieder aufzuheben?
What steps is the Commission taking to repeal the regulation?