was diese Sache anbelangt


Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Schiffe sind ein besonderes Problem, was Abfall anbelangt.
Ships are of a special nature in the context of waste.
Was wird sie in dieser Sache unternehmen?
How does it intend to intervene in this matter?
Was Heroin anbelangt, so bleibt es eine Suchtdroge.
As regards heroin, it remains an addictive substance.
Was unternimmt er, um diese Sache zur Sprache zu bringen?
What will it do to put this case on the agenda?
Was unternimmt sie, um diese Sache zur Sprache zu bringen?
What will it do to put this case on the agenda?
Was den Rechnungshof anbelangt, so muss die Frage direkt an diese Institution gerichtet werden.
As for the Court of Auditors, the question must be addressed directly to this institution.
unklar, was die unterschiedlichen Grade der Vertraulichkeit anbelangt,
are unclear concerning different levels of confidentiality,
, was Informationen im Zusammenhang mit ihrer Arbeit anbelangt
as regards the information to which they gain access through their work
Was Island und Norwegen anbelangt, so stellt diese Verordnung eine Weiterentwicklung der Bestimmungen des Schengen-Besitzstands im Sinne des
As far as Iceland and Norway are concerned, this Regulation constitutes a development of the provisions of the Schengen acquis, as provided for in the Agreement concluded by the Council of the European Union and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway
unter anderem was quelloffene Software anbelangt
inter alia, with reference to open-source software