Was der Sturmwind sät

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Was unterliegt der Vertraulichkeit?
Scope of confidentiality
Auf was warten die Staaten, auf was wartet der Rat, auf was wartet die Kommission, und auf was wartet unser Organ?
Much more needs to be done, and fast, by the Member States, by the Council, by the Commission and by the European Parliament itself.
Was ist lokal und was ist regional?
What is local and what is regional?
Was ist der Zweck der hochrangigen Gruppe und was sind ihre Aufgaben?
What is the purpose of the High Level Group and what are its tasks?
Was ist Innovation und was muss besser werden?
W h at is inno vation and w h at c an be done be t ter?
Was kostet die Ausstellung insgesamt, und was wird von der Kommission gezahlt?
What is the total cost of the exhibition, and how much of it is being paid by the Commission?
Was ist der Verfahrensstand?
What stage has been reached in the proceedings?