
  • Considers that peace in Darfur is unattainable unless every stakeholder commits itself to a peace deal, and therefore asks the Sudanese Government to reopen negotiations and reach a peace deal with all parties;
  • vertritt die Auffassung, dass der Frieden in Darfur unerreichbar ist, wenn nicht alle betroffenen Parteien ein Friedensabkommen unterzeichnen, und fordert die sudanesische Regierung daher auf, die Verhandlungen wieder aufzunehmen und ein Friedensabkommen mit allen Parteien zu erreichen;
  • Yet peace in the Holy Land seems unattainable.
  • Dennoch scheint Frieden im Heiligen Land unerreichbar.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Yet the latter aims are virtually unattainable in a situation of high degressivity.
Die letzteren Ziele sind jedoch bei einer starken Degression kaum mehr zu erreichen.
Expresses grave concern at the fact that, five years after the adoption of the Millennium Development Goals by the United Nation, Sub-Saharan Africa has not met - nor is on track to meet - any one of the eight goals by the target date of 2015; stresses that, unless the international community dramatically increases both the quality and the quantity of its development assistance, the MDGs will be unattainable for a large number of least developed countries, in particular in Sub-Saharan Africa;
Expresses grave concern at the fact that, five years after the adoption of the Millennium Development Goals by the United Nation, Sub-Saharan Africa has not met - nor is on track to meet - any one of the eight goals by the target date of 2015; stresses that, unless the international community dramatically increases both the quality and the quantity of its development assistance, the MDGs will be unattainable for a large number of least developed countries, in particular in Sub-Saharan Africa;