This decision is an insult to all my hard work.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

This is my appeal to all concerned.
Freiheit sei zu verbinden mit dem Respekt vor anderen.
Colleagues, this is my decision.
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, soweit meine Entscheidung.
All my prospective commitments consist of not more than one week work in Paris until the end of my mandate.
All my prospective commitments consist of not more than one week work in Paris until the end of my mandate.
His whole team would work hard to serve the EU and all their fellow EU citizens.
Das Ergebnis der namentlichen Abstimmung finden Sie hier .
Tobacco growing is hard work requiring the involvement of the whole family, as I myself found out in my youth.
Das ist eine schwere Arbeit, an der sich die ganze Familie beteiligt, was der Fragesteller aus eigener Erfahrung aus seiner Jugendzeit kennt.
The rapporteur, my political group and all of those Members in this House who genuinely care about human rights have worked extremely hard to present a plenary report with substance and balance.
Die Indizien seien so deutlich, dass es schwierig sei, sich dem zu verweigern und entgegenzustellen.