The US government agencies dropped the ball in failing to prevent the attack.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

In August 2007, Britain asked the US to return Mr Mohamed and others to the UK, and in 2009 the U.S. dropped all charges against him.
In August 2007, Britain asked the US to return Mr Mohamed and others to the UK, and in 2009 the U.S. dropped all charges against him.
During the attack the mob attempted to prevent them from attending the service and threatened the pastor.
Dabei versuchte der Mob, die Kirchenmitglieder am Besuch der Messe zu hindern und bedrohte den Pastor.
The cables show how the Spanish Government intervened in the proceedings in order to prevent three US soldiers being tried for murder.
Aus den Depeschen geht hervor, dass die spanische Regierung in das Verfahren eingriff, um die Verurteilung von drei US-Soldaten wegen Mordes zu verhindern.