terrible news

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Myanmar News and Periodicals Enterprise aka Myanma News and Periodicals Enterprise
Myanmar News and Periodicals Enterprise alias Myanma News and
Myanmar News and Periodicals Enterprise aka Myanma News and Periodicals Enterprise
Myanmar News and Periodicals Enterprise alias Myanma News and Periodicals Enterprise
Myanmar News and Periodicals Enterprise a.k.a. Myanma News and Periodicals Enterprise
Myanmar News and Periodicals Enterprise alias Myanma News and Periodicals Enterprise
Japan serves as a terrible warning of this possibility.
Japan dient als abschreckendes Beispiel.
Freedom requires a terrible sacrifice.
Freiheit erfordert ein schreckliches Opfer.
is aware of the existence of this terrible film? 2.
Ist ihr dieser schreckliche Film bekannt? 2.
The situation also constitutes a terrible waste of human resources.
Davon abgesehen entspricht diese Lage einer hochgradigen Vergeudung menschlicher Ressourcen.
Some, apparently, have been tortured, and torture was a terrible thing.
Es handle sich nicht um Touristen, sondern um potenzielle Terroristen.