stoned (Adjektiv)


stoned (a)

  • The ten women and two men who continued to be at risk of being stoned to death.
  • The ten women and two men who continued to be at risk of being stoned to death.
  • Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow, a 13-year-old girl, was stoned to death in Somalia after being accused and convicted of adultery in breach of Islamic law while she was in fact a victim of rape by three men.
  • Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow, a 13-year-old girl, was stoned to death in Somalia after being accused and convicted of adultery in breach of Islamic law while she was in fact a victim of rape by three men.

stoned (Adjektiv | Adjektiv)


bekifft (adj)

high on drugs

entsteint (a)

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

According to AFP, there are instances of women being stoned to death in some provinces of Nigeria.
AFP meldet, dass in einigen Provinzen Nigerias Frauen gesteinigt werden.