Simple Minds

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Das weist darauf hin, dass die neue Bewertung doch etwas detaillierter war als eine simple Mittelwertberechnung.
This indicates that the renewed assessment was of a somewhat more detailed nature than a simple halfway calculation.
sociedad colectiva, sociedad en comandita simple;
sociedad colectiva, sociedad en comandita simple;
She was attacked on 25 January 2007, which act - according to her - could not be considered as a simple robbery attempt.
She was attacked on 25 January 2007, which act - according to her - could not be considered as a simple robbery attempt.
The SPE regime should be viable, simple and consistent with the objectives and advantages of the Internal Market.
The SPE regime should be viable, simple and consistent with the objectives and advantages of the Internal Market.

Simple Minds

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

The scandal of HIV-contaminated blood products is painfully present in the minds of many.
Der Skandal um HIV-verseuchte Blutprodukte ist vielen noch schmerzhaft in Erinnerung.
I would like to stay in the minds of people as a reformer of Brussels bureaucracy .
Epaminondas Charilaos, eine Person der griechischen Geschichte.
Are they trying to win over our hearts and minds?
Versucht sie, sich bei uns einzuschmeicheln?