sich toll unterhalten

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

wurde nicht von dem Verstorbenen unterhalten
was not dependent on the deceased
wurde nicht vom mir unterhalten
was not dependent on me
The Directive aims to ensure the interoperability of electronic toll systems in the Community and the introduction of a European electronic toll service which encompasses the entire road network in the Community on which tolls are charged.
The Directive aims to ensure the interoperability of electronic toll systems in the Community and the introduction of a European electronic toll service which encompasses the entire road network in the Community on which tolls are charged.
A European toll service and user-friendly interoperability of the different toll systems is supported by our citizens and the leading performers in the European transport sector.
A European toll service and user-friendly interoperability of the different toll systems is supported by our citizens and the leading performers in the European transport sector.
Die momentane Lage wirkt sich derzeit nachteilig auf die maltesischen Unternehmen aus, die Handelsbeziehungen zu Libyen unterhalten.
At this point, this is having an adverse effect on the Maltese business community that deals with Libya.