She's the Man - Voll mein Typ

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Mein Traum ist wahr geworden.
My dream has come true.
Ich hoffe mein Bericht kann hier helfen.
Draft report More about Lisek
Camera-man of the Russian Television Channel ORT, disappeared.
Camera-man of the Russian Television Channel ORT, disappeared.
Mein Bildungshintergrund ist ein Diplom in Wirtschaftswissenschaften.
My educational background is a master degree in economics.
The man, whose identity was not made public, entered a fenced, signposted minefield along with a second Somali, who was injured, the army said.
The man, whose identity was not made public, entered a fenced, signposted minefield along with a second Somali, who was injured, the army said.
Warum wird mein Kind kriminell?
Hi-tech delinquents?
Ich habe einen hohen Preis gezahlt, weil ich mein Land verlassen musste und weil ich auch mein Nachbarland Indien verlassen musste.
I paid a high price because I had to leave my country and because I had to leave my neighbouring country India too.