She's all the world to him.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

The data subject has the right to access all data processed on him.
Die betroffene Person hat das Recht auf Zugang zu allen sie betreffenden, verarbeiteten Daten.
So we will all remind him of that.
Also werden wir ihn alle daran erinnern.
The charges against him are contrary to all standards of international law and to all conventions on violations of press freedom.
The charges against him are contrary to all standards of international law and to all conventions on violations of press freedom.
All charges against him were dropped.
All charges against him were dropped.
Shocking picture taken at his trial and showing police covering his mouth in order to keep him quiet were shown all around the world.
Die schockierenden Bilder von seinem Prozess, als Polizisten ihm den Mund zuhielten, um ihn am Sprechen zu hindern, gingen um die ganze Welt.