She was diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

She was sentenced to 90 lashes following an incident in which she was alone in a car talking with a man who was not a close relative when she was attacked and gang-raped.
She was sentenced to 90 lashes following an incident in which she was alone in a car talking with a man who was not a close relative when she was attacked and gang-raped.
Hamid was sentenced to death and, to add to the suffering caused by the injustice to which he has been subjected, his brother Alborz has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer.
Zu dem von ihm erlittenen Unrecht kommt nun noch hinzu, dass bei seinem Bruder Alborz Krebs im Endstadium festgestellt wurde.
She was rescued and sent to a local dolphinarium, where she was put on public display once she had recovered.
Als es ihm besser ging, konnte es dort besichtigt werden.
The virus was isolated in 1994 from the blood of a butcher with a severe illness in Jeddah.
Das Virus wurde 1994 aus dem Blut eines schwer erkrankten Fleischers in Dschidda isoliert.
In June 2008, a first case was diagnosed in Greece.
Im Juni 2008 wurde erstmals ein Fall in Griechenland diagnostiziert.