She Stood Alone: The Tailhook Scandal

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

She said she spoke for the powerless and the vulnerable and stood up for all unrepresented people.
Es sei wichtig gewesen, die Mullahs auf dem Weg mitzunehmen und auch sie zu verpflichten.
She said that in Sweden alone 5,000 tons of cod were discarded between 1995 and 1996.
Seinen Bericht wird er am 4. Mai im Ausschuss vorstellen.
She courageously stood up defending human life and dignity.
She courageously stood up defending human life and dignity.
She was sentenced to 90 lashes following an incident in which she was alone in a car talking with a man who was not a close relative when she was attacked and gang-raped.
She was sentenced to 90 lashes following an incident in which she was alone in a car talking with a man who was not a close relative when she was attacked and gang-raped.
She tells me that on 22 October 2010 she was travelling to Northern Ireland from Heathrow and, while going through security, she was approached by a member of staff who asked if she was travelling alone.
Sie sei am 22. Oktober 2010 von Heathrow nach Nordirland gereist und bei der Sicherheitskontrolle von einem Mitarbeiter gefragt worden, ob sie allein reise.