
  • Akram Al Bunni, founding member of the Committee for the Revitalisation of Civil Society in Syria;
  • Akram Al Bunni, founding member of the Committee for the Revitalisation of Civil Society in Syria;
  • Ali Al-Abdullah, member of the Committee for the Revitalisation of Civil Society in Syria;
  • Ali Al-Abdullah, member of the Committee for the Revitalisation of Civil Society in Syria;
  • Fayez Sarah, journalist and founding member of the Committee for Revitalisation of Civil Society in Syria;
  • Fayez Sarah, journalist and founding member of the Committee for Revitalisation of Civil Society in Syria;


  • Nor had it been clearly shown that the project would contribute to a revitalisation of the industrial area of Acerra.
  • Zudem ist nie klar nachgewiesen worden, welchen Beitrag das Vorhaben zur Wiederbelebung des Industriegebiets von Acerra leisten sollte.
  • - revitalisation and reinforcement of the fisheries research programmes;
  • - Neubelebung und Ausbau der Fischereiforschungsprogramme.
  • Akram Al Bunni, founding member of the Committee for the Revitalisation of Civil Society in Syria;
  • Akram Al Bunni, founding member of the Committee for the Revitalisation of Civil Society in Syria;
  • Ali Al-Abdullah, member of the Committee for the Revitalisation of Civil Society in Syria;
  • Ali Al-Abdullah, member of the Committee for the Revitalisation of Civil Society in Syria;
  • Fayez Sarah, journalist and founding member of the Committee for Revitalisation of Civil Society in Syria;
  • Fayez Sarah, journalist and founding member of the Committee for Revitalisation of Civil Society in Syria;

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Six projects were related to the construction and eight projects to the revitalisation of hotels.
Sechs Projekte betrafen den Bau und acht Projekte die Instandsetzung von Hotels.