
Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Regional development means the preservation, development and, where necessary, reshaping of sustainable living and working in the regions.
Regionale Entwicklung bedeutet nachhaltiges Leben und Arbeiten in den Regionen erhalten, weiterentwickeln und erforderlichenfalls neu gestalten.
Regional development means the preservation, development and, where necessary, reshaping of sustainable living and working in the regions.
Regionale Entwicklung bedeutet nachhaltiges Leben und Arbeiten in den Regionen erhalten und weiterentwickeln bzw. neu gestalten.
The issue at stake is the reshaping of a whole society that was dismantled by war, taking into account all aspects of social life, and through a strategy of setting priorities together with the Iraqi authorities.
The issue at stake is the reshaping of a whole society that was dismantled by war, taking into account all aspects of social life, and through a strategy of setting priorities together with the Iraqi authorities.
Regional development means the preservation, development and, where necessary, reshaping of sustainable living and working conditions in the regions.
Regionale Entwicklung bedeutet nachhaltige Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen in den Regionen erhalten, weiterentwickeln und erforderlichenfalls neu gestalten.