
Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Does the Commission consider that such practices constitute criminalisation of trade union action and that they run counter to proclamations concerning the right to strike and trade union freedoms?
Ist die Kommission der Auffassung, dass diese Praktiken eine Verfolgung der Gewerkschaftsbewegung darstellen und das Streikrecht und die Freiheit der Gewerkschaften verletzen?
Does it not think that there is a need to black out all websites on European territory that offer space to videos, interviews and proclamations by terrorists, whether or not they are linked to Al-Qaeda?
2. non ritiene necessario oscurare sul territorio europeo tutti i siti internet che danno spazio a video, interviste e proclami dei terroristi, siano essi legati ad Al-Quaeda o meno?