Portrait of Picasso as a Young Man. An Interpretative Biography

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Portrait photography services
3.5.1. Adoption of an interpretative communication
3.5.1. Annahme einer Mitteilung zu Auslegungsfragen
2. Orders Mr Claude Ruiz-Picasso, Mrs Paloma Ruiz-Picasso, Mrs Maya Widmaier-Picasso, Mrs Marina Ruiz-Picasso and Mr Bernard Ruiz-Picasso to pay the costs.
2. Herr Claude Ruiz-Picasso, Frau Paloma Ruiz-Picasso, Frau Maya Widmaier-Picasso, Frau Marina Ruiz-Picasso und Herr Bernard Ruiz-Picasso tragen die Kosten des Verfahrens.
A young Sahrawi man, Maichan Mohamed Lamin, died after being beaten by Moroccan colonists.
Der junge Saharaui Maishan Mohamed Lamin verstarb, nachdem er von marokkanischen Siedlern geschlagen wurde.
Dictionary of Swedish Biography
Dictionary of Swedish Biography
Dictionary of Swedish Biography
Schwedisches biografisches Lexikon
National Portrait Gallery
National Portrait Gallery
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