pecan hickory tree

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Hickory shad
Westatlantische Alse
Hickory shad
Westatlant. Alse
Carya Illinoensis Shell Powder is a powder of the finely ground shells of the pecan, Carya illinoensis, Juglandaceae
Carya Illinoensis Shell Powder ist ein Pulver aus den fein gemahlenen Schalen der Pekan-Nuss, Carya illinoensis, Juglandaceae
Tree seeding
Aussaat von Baumsamen
Live forest tree plants; forest tree seeds
Lebende Forstbaumpflanzen; Forstsamen
Hickory bark extract CAS 91723-46-5 FEMA 2577 CoE 113 Einecs 294-553-7
Hickory-Rinde, Extrakt CAS 91723-46-5 FEMA 2577 CoE 113 Einecs 294-553-7
The persimmon tree is a fruit tree belonging to the Ebenaceae family.
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