path analysis

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

cancel train path and request new path .
Stornierung der Trasse und Antrag auf neue Trasse.
train number and path number to identify the path,
Zugnummer und Trassennummer zur Identifizierung der Trasse,
Path Number for the purpose of identifying the path,
Trassennummer zur Bezeichnung der Trasse,
Flight path segment Equivalent level path
Beobachter hinter dem Segment
If, on the basis of a sustainability analysis, it is concluded that a macro-economic adjustment programme can realistically restore the public debt to a sustainable path
If, on the basis of a sustainability analysis, it is concluded that a macro-economic adjustment programme can realistically restore the public debt to a sustainable path
If, on the basis of a sustainability analysis, it is concluded that a macro-economic programme cannot realistically restore the public debt to a sustainable path,
If, on the basis of a sustainability analysis, it is concluded that a macro-economic programme cannot realistically restore the public debt to a sustainable path,