O Brother, Where Art Thou_ - Eine Mississippi-Odyssee

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Polnisch Wniosek o stosowanie art. 10 ust.
In Polish Wniosek o stosowanie art. 10 ust.
polnisch Wniosek o stosowanie art. 15 ust.
In Polish Wniosek o stosowanie art. 15 ust.
- Mississippi Chemical Corporation, Yazoo City, USA.
- Mississippi Chemical Corporation, Yazoo City, USA.
EU-Abgeordneten wollen besseren Schutz vorm Big Brother im Internet
Privacy and security on the internet
Brother and sister were said to have had sexual relations with each other.
Brother and sister were said to have had sexual relations with each other.
Brother of Bisher AL-RAWI
Brother of Bisher AL-RAWI
Her 15 years old brother, convicted to 150 lashes, which sentence was later reduced to 55 lashes.
Her 15 years old brother, convicted to 150 lashes, which sentence was later reduced to 55 lashes.
On 20 May, his father, sister and brother had been taken to an Intelligence Ministry facility in Tehran.
On 20 May, his father, sister and brother had been taken to an Intelligence Ministry facility in Tehran.
Zacharia Nkomo is the brother of the leading human rights lawyer Harrison Nkomo.
Zacharia Nkomo is the brother of the leading human rights lawyer Harrison Nkomo.