not to have the hoped-for effect

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

The appeal shall not have suspensive effect.
Die Beschwerde hat keine aufschiebende Wirkung.
It is hoped that by opening up the market, people will have more choice.
Dennoch ist die Entflechtung keineswegs unumstritten.
On the other hand, it may be hoped that raising the threshold for the number of Member States will not, in practice, have a very significant negative impact.
Andererseits steht zu hoffen, dass die Anhebung der Schwelle der Mitgliedstaaten in der Praxis keine nennenswerten negativen Auswirkungen haben wird.
The hoped-for reduction in volatility, for example, has not been confirmed in theoretical or empirical research.
The hoped-for reduction in volatility, for example, has not been confirmed in theoretical or empirical research.
He hoped nevertheless that Mr Barroso would have favourable winds if elected.
Der Schatten des Auswahlverfahrens sei auf Barroso gefallen.