Noose - Teufelskreis des Schweigens

  • The decision was upheld by a Supreme Court ruling shortly before her execution, where it was allegedly the judge of first instance who put the noose around her neck.
  • The decision was upheld by a Supreme Court ruling shortly before her execution, where it was allegedly the judge of first instance who put the noose around her neck.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Die Gemeinschaft will dazu beitragen, diesen Teufelskreis zu durchbrechen.
The Community wishes to help break this vicious circle, an aim which we must support.
Um diesen Teufelskreis zu durchbrechen, bedarf es eines entschlossenen politischen Handelns und einer Neuausrichtung der Investitionen.
Escaping this vicious circle calls for determined political action and investment in new areas.
Das ist der Teufelskreis.
That is the vicious circle.
Die Situation der Roma am Arbeitsmarkt gleicht einem Teufelskreis.
Q. A year ago the EU presented its Roma strategy.
Es ist eine Tatsache, dass Armut, mangelnde Bildung und Kinderarbeit einen Teufelskreis bilden.
It is a fact that poverty, lack of education and child labour form a vicious circle.
Der Nahe Osten stecke in einem Teufelskreis und einer unaufhaltsamen Gewaltspirale fest.
The situation was, he said, grave after recent events, although he was able to detect a glimmer of hope.
In diesem Klima der Straffreiheit konnte eine Kultur des Schweigens entstehen, in der Vergewaltigung und Bandengewalt normaler Alltag geworden zu sein scheinen.
The climate of impunity has led to a culture of silence in which rape and gang violence appear to have become a normal part of everyday life.