Mount Harvard

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

mit C-Mount zur Objektivaufnahme,
with a C-Mount lens mount,
Harvard University
Harvard University
Nicht Rennen oder Fahrradfahren oder Tennis und auch den Mount Everest werde ich nicht besteigen.
No running, no riding on the bike or playing tennis and I am not going to climb up the Mount Everest at all.
Diplom Internationales Steuerprogramm, Harvard Law School, 1996
International Tax Program Certificate from Harvard Law School, 1996
She was beaten, tortured, forced to confess to an alleged plot to mount a terrorist incursion from neighbouring Botswana, and subsequently imprisoned.
She was beaten, tortured, forced to confess to an alleged plot to mount a terrorist incursion from neighbouring Botswana, and subsequently imprisoned.

Mount Harvard

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Mount Athos;
Berg Athos;
Monitor wall mount arms
with a C-Mount lens mount,
mit C-Mount zur Objektivaufnahme,
Harvard University
Harvard University
International Tax Program Certificate from Harvard Law School, 1996
Diplom Internationales Steuerprogramm, Harvard Law School, 1996